6 Sept 2011

Suddenly- Soom Ai

Soom Ai has been on my wishlist eversinse SOOM first released those cute little deers (Ai&Afi).
I was devasteted at time that I could not in any way afford buying either of cute fawns.
I have not, however, been looking actively for one.
And then, suddenly, when I think "Oh, I wonder if there will be one in DoA marketplace." I found one.
I admit, it was in bad shape; quite yellowed, for example, but the price wasn't too high, and I could bargain it lower based on it's condition. And suddenly I find m'self sitting on my chair, thinking "Oh, I just bought an Ai".
That was most unexpected, especially as I am, indeed, very methodical person.
I have never had my wallet stolen by tiny (or any other doll/thing for that matter).

Made my work day happier tho'

Signing off, confused, poor and happy.

(Photos taken rom SOOM official site).


Galileo said... Best Blogger Tips

LOL hey at least Kheri got a playmate! And Ai IS cute! XD I know your feelings about being broke though, but I think I broke my own record for being the most broke ever this month! *pats Kiro and myself*