2 Jan 2012

2011 Closure

So, gone is one year, another has started.
In my dolly life this has been busiest year thus far; I bought record-braking one, two, THREE dolls.
Actually, I paid for the fourth, but as he is brand new, instead second-hand purchase, he'll arrive later this year and is not included in 2011 head-count.

I also took my first steps in doll  modding, starting off from nothing other than classical breast removal.
And of course the sanding of the yellowing in this boy and his open eyed twin whom I sold forward.
May the new year bring me new projects that reguire less sanding paper XD

I took few steps onwards in making face ups, and few backwards (results will never meet the eyes other than my own).

Among other things, 2011 was also;
- My fifth year in dolly hobby.
- One year anniversary of having lil'Kheri and Yujian.
- My third year as registered member in DoA.
- And, last but not least, I have now known Galileo for an year.
Thank you for your friendship and lets keep having fun this new year too!! <3

I shall make no resolutions for the new year, regarding dolls (or anything else). We shall just float on on the river of time and see what it brings before us.